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Get the Most Out of Your Writing
It is so hard to see your own writing
One-on-one writing coaching.
Memoir, fiction and non-fiction.
Ghost writing for memoir / biography.
In person or on Zoom. All ages, all levels.

What I Do

Give you honest and constructive feedback

Encourage your creativity

Bring clarity to your work
Help craft your story

Assist in synopsis and cover-letter writing for agents and publishers
What People Are Saying

About Me

Reva Mann is the author of the racy memoir – The Rabbi’s Daughter published by Hodder and Stoughton UK and Dial Press USA. She has been translated into 4 languages. Reva was a columnist for the London Jewish News and Boston Advocate, headed the English Speaker’s Department at the David & Paula Ben Gurion School in Jerusalem where she taught literature and creative writing, helps mature students with essays, term and research papers, and writes Divrei Torah for a Los Angeles charity. She is presently writing about her experience of living on a Greek island.
Book Reviews

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